Monday, May 12, 2008

i missed u a lot... but i can't tell u that i missed u...uwaa

Have you ever missed someone and felt terrible because you think that he/she doesn't miss you? Missing someone is a terrible but at the same time, sweet feeling. You will be sitting around wondering if you meant anything to him/her and thinking if he/she ever cares about you.
The signs of missing someone:
· Rushing to the phone once it rings hoping that it's him/her.
· Looking out of the window hoping that he/she will surprise you by appearing downstairs.
· Sitting in front of the television but thinking of him/her missing the final episode of your favorite show.
· Lying on your bed, thinking of the last time you went out together.
· Thinking of how nice it will be to sit under the stars again, talking about everything, your dreams, plans, and future.
· Logging on to the Internet hoping to see him/her online.
· When you realize that he/she isn't online and did not return your page, you will start worrying if he/she is okay.
Missing someone is a way of growing up I guess. It exposes you to loneliness. It teaches you how to cope with being lonely and let you know that there is actually a feeling known as emptiness. Sometimes it feels good to miss someone. You know that you really care and you indulge in the feeling of loving and caring for him/her. But missing someone and not knowing if he/she is feeling the same is terrible. You feel as if you are being left alone. So if you miss someone, tell him/her and let him or her know. At the same time, ask if they miss you.
Don't let the feeling of missing someone becomes jealousy or paranoid. If you are the one being missed and you know it, let the other party know. If you miss him/her too, tell them. Don't let them wait. Otherwise, you will feel regret for whole life!

----> hmmm mmg aaa sptutnya kna gtau org tu bhwa kte rndu kat dia, tp aku takut aaa.... it takes 2 to tango, rite? takut n malu aaa kalo btepuk sblah tgn... bkn niat nak tnjuk ego, tp pmpuan kan kna jga maruah... lgpun, aku xde kyakinan aaa nak bgtau pe yg aku rse kat dia... aku ni sape, dia tu sape... hmmm jln tbaik, pendam jela... tp ati aku jd sakit sgt kalo aku pendam.. xpela, doa jela byk2 supaya dia sedar khadiran aku nih... wink wink... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ish3... sape laa gaknyer org yg dia ni rindu ek?? x nak kc tau ker? ehem2...