Monday, February 23, 2009

i'm gonna b so bizzyy...

start 2day (mon), i'm gonna be quite bz...

2day, da whole day i'll be @ auditorium 4 UPIC... from 8am till 5pm..
what is UPIC? click here if u wanna know..
each students are required to bring along their laptop.. huhu ...

then, my risk mgmt 1st test will be on tuesday nite at 8.30pm...
from chapter 1 till chap.6.... hoho
uwaaaa :cry:
i'm not finished yet wif my reading and revision....

then,on Wednesday,
i have to distribute my questionnaires to my respondent.. this is 4 my BEL report writing..
i'll be at my campus 4 da whole day till nite... :what:
coz i've nite class on wed...

i fell so tired...

next, on thursday,
all da final year student faculty of bisnez mgmt will go to uitm s.alam for
career day... huhu
again, tired 4 da whole day...

friday, i've another test, CTU...
huhu.. :(

finally, Saturday!!! yeayyyy this weeknd, i'll be at my "2nd hometown"
which is JB!!!!
i love 2 stay there actually... i love JB n i love all my frens in JB...
once a year, i MUST make a visit to JB...
this time, i'm gonna bring along 'my kamoo' 2gether....

:pompom:yeayyyy i like.... (^_^)

finally, sunday...
i have to attend my ex-clasmate. Roziana's wedding ceremony..

yeayyy, i can't wait untill saturday... (^_^)

1 comment:

Syada137 said...

yeke sume final year student akn dtg?
wah..senonot nyer korang leh jalan2..
em,syada saran korg bwk skali resume & ape2 yg patut cz kadang2 de company yg akan buat walk-in interview..
name tau rezeki ker kan..huhu
em,syada actly kamis mmg xde klas,so cm malas lak nak g s.alam..
tp member ckp biz student wajib dtg kamis nih..
kul 2-4ptg..
em,lgpn syada still xsehat sgt lg nih..
insyAllah klu dh sehat syada dtg..